Teen Faith Resources
Youth Ministry is our church’s response to the needs of today’s adolescents. It’s about forming our youth as disciples, engaging them in responsible participation in the church, and helping their personal and spiritual growth.
Learn About the Saints! These two sites have great content for children and adults both:
"Saints Alive" click here - Saints Alive (saintsalivepodcast.com)
"The Saints - The Merry Beggars" click here -The Saints · The Merry Beggars
For teens and kids: Animated videos to discuss how to live in faith, how to be the best version of yourself, how to make good decisions, and be prepared for Confirmation and live your faith.
Decision Point Confirmation Program | Dynamic Catholic
Learn about saints, prayers and Catholic information: Https://www.catholic.org
All things Catholic: Saint of the day, daily Mass readings, world news. Catholic Online - World's Catholic Library
Seventeen year old talks Catholic topics to bring others ultimately to heaven:
Kid Catholic / Kinetic Catholic Ministries - YouTube
Alpha Youth: Conversations by Youth about life. Several sessions, can establish live discussion times using videos to explore meaning of life and what is God’s plan for you? Alpha Youth Series: Episode 1 - YouTube (There is an adult version of Alpha as well at Alpha.org. St Mary)
Learn Catholic history: Stories of the Saints’ lives, get inspired by God’s people. America Needs Fatima
Weekend teen: Catholic encounter with Christ (with other teens - only boys or only girls weekends) based out of Moline, IL About TEC (northwest-tec.com)
Videos: Teens giving Catholic perspectives, scripture studies, talking teen life and faith issues Welcome to the Life Teen channel - YouTube
Leading Teens Closer to Christ for Catholic Youth: https://lifeteen.com/
Books to Read:
“You Are Enough”: A Book About Inclusion By Margaret O’Hair. Available from Amazon $14.99 in paperback.
“Ablaze” by Colleen Swaim. Stories of Daring Teen Saints. Available from Amazon $11.79 in paperback.
“Radiate”: by Colleen Swaim. More Stories of Daring Teen Saints. Available from Amazon $11.79 in paperback.
“The Emotions God Gave You” by Art and Laraine Bennett. Available from Amazon $12.95 in paperback.
Teen Parent Resources: https://www.stpaulcatholicparish.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=295154&type=d&pREC_ID=1143175
Wyldlife: Are you ready to get WYLD? All 6-8 grade youth are invited to be a part of Wyldelife this year! https://www.stpaulcatholicparish.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=295154&type=d&pREC_ID=1031964
Catholic Worker House/Movement: https://www.stpaulcatholicparish.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=295154&type=d&pREC_ID=1139191 AND https://www.catholicworker.org/
Fellowship of Christian Athletes: https://www.assumptionhigh.org/category/academics/clubs/fca/
Holy Fire Chicago: https://pvm.archchicago.org/events/holy-fire-chicago
NCYC: https://ncyc.us/
Steubenville Conference: https://steubenvilleconferences.com/events/otl/
So what apps are out there that we can use to strengthen our faith?
Catholicapps.com - Where you'll find reviews, suggestions, ideas, everything you need to use your cell phone as a tool for prayer and evangelization! Some favorites are:
Pray As You Go
Relevant Radio App
What is Conquest? Conquest is based on Catholic principles of spiritual development. Its programs are designed to instill virtue, develop character and encourage spiritual growth, while offering its participants challenging physical, intellectual and spiritual activities within an atmosphere of adventure. Weekly meetings that consist of directed virtue training as well as athletic activities.
Who can Join? Boys Aged 5-16 can participate. Quad Cities Conquest is a Father and Son club, so we highly encourage fathers to participate as well. There is no better leadership training for a boy than watching his own father lead. We have boys from Davenport all the way to Prophetstown that participate. While the program is based on Catholic principles, boys from all faiths are welcome.
When and Where? Mondays 6-8pm at Christ The King Believer's Together Center First Campaign begins in early September. Join anytime, our program lasts from September-April.
Contact Information: Neil Young, (309) 799-5261, youngneilc@gmail.com
(From St. Pius X website, Rock Island, IL)
Need Help?
Pregnancy: Women’s Choice Center – Free pregnancy information, testing and resources.
Addiction: Alcoholics Anonymous – Have a problem with alcohol? There’s a solution. A.A. is a simple solution that works. It’s based on one alcoholic helping another.
Friends or Family of Addicts: Al-anon - You can see how their drinking is affecting them, but can you see how it’s affecting you?
Suicide and Crisis Hotlines: http://www.iowahealthieststate.com/resources/individuals/makeitok/resources/
or call Your Life Iowa:
Call: (855) 581-8111
Text: (855) 895-8398
Chat: YourLifeIowa.org